Monday, September 17, 2012

No, I'm Not Bored at All

Not that it really matters, but a few days ago I got a haircut at a place I had never heard of before. Ironically, that place has been in my neighborhood longer than I have been alive. Then again, my parents do not go to mom 'n pop barbershops. Anyway, that's completely off topic except to say that my hair looks bomb now no matter what I do with it. I got the whip.

So, taking my new hair and some headphones, I took the following picture. I am not sure why I did it really, maybe I was just feeling a little bit bored and wanted a new online identity for like the third time this year. At any rate, a little bit of photoshop later and apparently I'm back in 2000 with the whole Matrix crave. Still, it came out pretty great.

Just for reference, my shirt is not black, those sun glasses are not black, and my headphones are also not all shiny black metal. It is truly amazing what I can do with photoshop when I am bored, I wonder what I would do if they paid me to do it...

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