Sunday, September 16, 2012

An Epic Tale from Late Night Denver

The following is an amazing and almost unbelievable story from last night when my friends Jodi and Laurel decided to go into Denver for a little bit of bar hopping and clubbing. However, before I start I would just like to note that this story is not one that I think should ever be repeated by anyone, because looking back on what we did I realize it may not have been the smartest idea. And only since everything managed to work itself out while we were clubbing would I ever even advise anyone trying to perform the amazing feat that we mastered. In other words, this was an all by-chance happening that worked out for the better.

Late Night in Denver
So the three of us arrived in Denver really late at night, with all of us lagging behind getting to the actual clubs thanks to one party member wearing the wrong clothing that kept falling down. I do not plan to go into discussion on that, just know that she took extra time deciding on the outfit and then her decision turned out to be a bust when some of the stockings would not stay up. At any rate, the three of us hopped a few bars and were having a good time in the city lights. Then, after unsuccessfully getting stuck in a long line to get into a decent dance club with no cover, we ditched out and walked up the street. There was nothing up there and our party instantly turned around to go back to the main road where every door was open with booming beat.

On the way we made a single stop at a club that looked promising, the Mix. I will not be elegant and quant about how I say this, the club was mainly latinos with a small white crowd dancing and drinking. We walked past everyone to the back, which only showed to be a set of bathrooms and a few couches, and I asked Jodi and Laurel if they wanted to stay for drinks. This was not exactly the club I wanted to be in, the DJ was playing sort of drab and dragging music and the lights were a little to bright and unicolored for my tastes, but a quick drink would not be too bad I though.

At that very moment, we watched as a group of three walked through a black door on the side wall near the DJ. Up until now I had never noticed this entrance to the club, this mysterious portal to another place just standing there, and so when it was opened it was like my eyes were opened. I had to go through, but I was not sure that Jodi or Laurel wanted to go through. I turned to Jodi and Laurel and asked if they wanted to go. As I am standing there and thinking about it and waiting for a reply, I watch as another man (whom later I would learn was a bouncer for both clubs) opens the door and goes through as if nothing had happened. Before either of them can really respond, I follow the guy through the door right after it shuts and we end up on the other side, for the two girls had followed right at my heels through the door. 

We ended up in a club that was completely different from the first, the lighting was dark, the bar was barely visible, and it was completely different and packed full of people. Oh, and one other thing, it was literally pretty much all African-Americans in this single club. Again, I am not a racist, I am just trying to get straight to the point, and my point is that it was dope, awesome, cool, epic, and adventurous. Just for notes, this is when I learned that the man that went through the door was a bouncer, because he came back to the door as another group decided to follow us into the club and stopped them, kicking them back to the first club we had been in. So now not only were we in foreign lands (so to speak), but apparently we were not supposed to have gotten in the way we did.

We go up to the bar to get drinks, I mean what else is there to do, and we are all listening to the music (which for reference was all rap, and I thought that was pretty cool as well). I turn to my right and after having been there no more than ten seconds I saw someone I had not seen in forever. Channing, an African-American girl that I had studied with at the University of Colorado and had become really good friends with, was in this club with us in downtown Denver. Personally, I am more surprised I could identify her after two years of not seeing each other and being in such a dimly lit environment! So I called out to her, "Channing? Channing!" and she turned and looked at me with first a look of what the fuck. Then when she saw who I was it was all good again.

Right as we hugged and said hello, I suddenly felt the tension in the air lift. Like before we had been here it was as if we were outcasts and now that I knew someone on the inside it was like being allowed in as well. And I am not saying that I was giving off a bad vibe, but I was definitely getting one from the people surrounding up until then. I met Channing's boyfriend for the first time and then we all hit the dance floor and started bouncing to rap.

One drink later, Jodi, Laurel and I left the club through the front and that was when we learned that we had ended up in one of Denver's most exclusive African-American clubs. The line went down the sidewalk some ways and we had a bouncer lift the rope to let us out. It was awesome, but once we were outside again I could feel the tension and bad vibes in the air as the guys that saw us walk out gave us that, "What the hell were they doing in there," stare. It did not matter though, we were walking on to the rest of our night.

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