Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Listen to This: I'll Bite You

Okay, I lied. Instead of going off to write a whole review on a movie I watched like two days ago I decided to write a review about a song that I have fallen in love with. But before I get to that, let me start off by first telling everyone a little bit about Lydia and my relationship with this band. About a year ago a friend over the internet, as in one I had never met in real life, told me that I should try listening to this band because they do a lot of amazing pieces. They are a small-time indie band, a lot of people have never heard of them before, but I am so happy I got pointed towards them. From their first album and second album there are songs that I still listen to all the time because they are so beautifully done; take for instance Smile, You've Won or Hospital which are both classics.

But this review is not about them. Instead, it is about a band that I thought was breaking-up and done making music. See, after writing one more album (their third if I remember correctly) and doing one final tour, they were going to all disband and go their separate ways. However, Paint it Golden is actually the bands fourth album and actually a wonderful return. After a small hiatus, the band came back and produced this piece, which I instantly fell in love with for its softer tunes that still focused highly on well-writen lyrics.

I'll Bite You by Lydia

I think the reason I can easily separate this song from the other ones on the album is that the song starts with a different sound than the one present in the chorus. The first time I listened to it, that tossed me through a loop, but still I kept coming back because there was something about it. The soft, rhythmic start that is suddenly disturbed by the perfectly offset chorus just really brought me back and touched my heart I guess.

But that was the first few times I listened to it, the main attractant that got me to hear the song. Now I have dived much deeper into the surface of this masterpiece, learned the lyrics that grabbed me and really brought me to enjoy what it has to offer. Like I said before, one of the best parts about Lydia is their key focus to the well-written lyrics in any one of their given songs. If I had to say the one that has been keeping me, the golden lyrics to this song, it would definitely be, "I wanna hear it from your pearly teeth." There is just something about the detail in that one line that gets me thinking and has kept me listening to this one over and over again. Anyway, give it a listen!

The Spotted Canvas uses the Lydia promotional media but is not endorsed or certified by themselves. All of the Lydia logos and trademarks displayed on this website are the property of themselves.

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