Thursday, September 20, 2012

Morning Madness

For the past few days I have been so tired and bored of doing nothing that I started looking to old habits on what I could do for fun. One of the things I used to do regularly was go outside everyday and take longs walks. Seriously, long walks. I used to go for approximately two hours, which somehow amounts to about seven miles at the pace I walk. After those, I would get back and my feet would hurt from the pressure, but I would just go lay down and wait the pain out.

But I want to be a little bit healthier than before, so I decided that instead of just walking I would also start running for short periods of time. In effect, I would not have to take quite as long walks to get the same amount of exercise and I could build up my lungs and muscles again. That was a few days ago.

Today, I went out running and about halfway through my round (which is a randomly set path that keeps me both active and going), I suddenly tripped over a bit of the sidewalk and went down hard. With cat-like reflexes, I caught myself, but at the price of a beaten up hand. I do not think the picture really gives what happened justice, because that happened to both my hands and that was right as I started bleeding, but whatever. You can see I scraped off a bit of the skin on my palms and I now have a large gash, about the size of a dime, on my hand.

So what did I do after this happened? I picked myself back up and continued running on of course. And even with my fall, I still managed to run just under one and a half miles in eleven minutes (that is included the fall). In other words, I do not think I am taking this as a bad omen and I still love that endorphin enriched feeling that comes from exercising. I think I'll keep running, or walking, or whatever.

As an after note, when I got home I immediately cleaned the wound, then started cleaning the house without a bandaid. That includes emptying litter boxes for the cats, cleaning dirty dishes, making coffee (most important chore of all), and some vacuuming. I managed to also break the vacuum by using it so perfectly. Which reminds me, where I vacuumed looks damn amazing now. Anyway, I still have more household work to do now that I've showered. Parents are on their way home tonight!

1 comment:

  1. Wicked war wound! Sorry to hear about it the same thing happened to me not to long ago. Keep on running! We can be running buddies :)
