Thursday, September 13, 2012

A Little Bit Frustrating

I find it frustrating to always be on a job hunt, to be looking out for the next career that might just sweep me up and let me have-at an actual life. And to everyone else out there that is currently searching for their own dream careers, they probably feel similar. Searching becomes depressing, distasteful, and in it self takes forever with the way the hiring process is done right now. And all of that, to me and to many others, is frustrating.

But I think what is even more frustrating is looking past what a job or a career has to offer for the individual and onwards towards what the individual has to offer for the career. There is a certain sense of uselessness that comes with being unable to push and market the ideas that one comes up with, because there is no audience. We are all on stage and we are all looking for that next big performance, but the distaste towards being always in the next act and never in the current one hurts to think about.

Hopefully someone out there will realize the talents they have sitting in the back, the ideas that are to be had from the new generation, and onward and upward we can all climb.

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