Saturday, August 4, 2012

To Feel Inspired

I sat down and was watching some television when suddenly lightning struck me, an idea! I'm not sure exactly where it came from, but I just knew I had to use photoshop to make a specific picture. The challenge was that I knew it was going to take at least two other pictures plus some pieces I did not have. Still, when an idea rushes to me like that I try right away!

So I set out, working with photoshop to slowly manipulate the photographs that I already had to create the picture in my head. Now, I'm not going to say that I'm the best photoshop artist in the world or anything like that, because I know it is far from true, but I do know enough to get by making some pretty fantastic scenes. Photoshop was what I used to do in High School for fun, a bit in college for a past time, and finally in grad school as the instructor of a one session class. So I'm good enough to fool people on the reality of the pictures but not great enough to be paid (I taught the class for free).

Anyway, my final product was an instagram photograph that I immediately sent out at fairly close to one in the morning. Okay, so maybe not the best time to send out a photograph on instagram, but like I said, the electricity was running through my blood and I just had to share what I had made with the world. If you would like to give it a like of your own, click the link!

Anyway, the idea was completely about what if you grabbed onto some balloons or a parasol and just started floating away. Well, I already had a great picture of myself that looked like I was flying and I had this amazing sunset background I could put the whole thing to. Add in a parasol and I would be good as gold. The trick was, I needed to perfectly take my body out of one picture and put it into another, then add the parasol in just the right fashion so that it did not look like it was floating there and I was flying. And actually, before I finished I even ended up added a lot of clouds to the background because it felt a bit bland. Anyway, flash photoshop exercise complete!

Oh yea, and that image that I sent in to instagram is only the small square piece of it, not the full picture.  I did a few more small edits on my phone (because colors never seem to come out exactly the same after I move them) and so it may look a little different.


  1. I love this picture! Elle and I think its awesome! :)

    1. Considering it is photoshopped from like five different pictures plus a bit of talent (not too much), and considering I have wanted to do a picture like this for about a month now, I'm really proud of how it came out. Glad to hear you like it too ;-) I just wish it was big enough to be a wallpaper background, but I messed that part up... Oh well!
