Saturday, August 4, 2012

Still Updating

I have recently had a lot of energy to turn my blog from a simple cut-and-paste format that they provide into a more personal thing. I've been working countlessly on the backend of things, messing with the HTML as best I can, as I actually write the script myself to create a more efficient and nicer blog. To everyone that views the page, that means almost nothing. But to a programmer it means faster load times, easier code to browse through, and just overall better coding.

Now, there are some things I can't even begin to do with my blog on here unless I was to ditch Blogger altogether and start on an actual website. For instance, I have absolutely no access to higher-level scripting, such as PHP, Java, or Flash. Higher level scripting would mean I could do a lot of cooler things with my blog, for instance animations and ways to sort images. I also could create databases where I store images or videos and then write a loop that would then pull them up for me. It sounds strange, but databases are a wonderful thing!

In comparison, right now if I want something on my blog I need to script it myself and upload it myself. I have to make sure it sets properly in my blog and I have to make sure it is arranged the way I want. And even then, I have to check and recheck what I have done because blogger does not use all the HTML code available.

To put it short, I'm working on it. I'm working on fixing everything and working on making everything look nice. It might just take me some time. So stay tuned and watch closely for changes!

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