Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Listen to This: Bonfire

On a drive back from some stores that my Mom and I had gone to that day, I started playing some dubstep music for her. Right away, I could tell she loved the backbeat and was liking the song, but then again I was playing what I consider to be great dubstep for her. But in the middle of the song, I said something that got me thinking a bit. I said, "I can't understand how so many terrible sounds on their own can come together to make something as beautiful as this!" 
Bonfire by Knife Party

The fact of the matter is that is how life works, where we as people can take the worst things that we are given and turn them into something beautiful. And I think that people that live by that philosophy, that live on the idea that they take whatever they are given and make the best of it, are the types of people that are always happy. But that is just my off-subject discussion that leads me into what I was really getting at, because I have a whole other article written for just that subject.

Instead, I wanted to talk about how after listening to that dubstep I started searching for more! So I did what usually works best when I like a certain style, I went onto a digital store (iTunes this time, though I've used others) and looked at the related materials. And what popped up right away was Knife Party, which is an electronic musical group I had never heard of before. So I looked up what people were saying is the best song and then loaded it on YouTube (which I think is what everyone does now days.

My first reaction was what the heck am I listening to. I did not stop listening though, and actually I played it again because the sound was so unexpected and different than the dubstep I normally hear that I needed a second go just to fully understand what I had found. By the third play I knew I had something awesome, something I needed to add to my library. And now, after several more plays along with listening to the other wonderful songs Knife Party has to offer, I'm passing it on!

What I like about this song is that it is not your normal dubstep routine of hardcore backbeats complimented by the distressing sounds that is basic dubstep. Instead, it is a more laid-back and chilled-out song that really shows how versatile dubstep can really be. If I had to relate it to other music, to me it sounded like an instant hit for places like the beach or at ski resorts. It has that very at-ease feeling, and that is what I like. Now, not all of Knife Party's stuff is like this, which is why I'm really bringing it front and center here. Take a listen, it's actually quite amazing!

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