Friday, July 20, 2012

Batman Theater Shooting!

Before I can even think of beginning a post to tell my review for the new Batman movie, I first have to talk about the news happening in my neighborhood. At the Theater 9 of the Century 16 in Aurora, Colorado, 12 people have been reported shot dead and 59 more are injured as of right now. At the midnight showing of the new movie, a 24 year-old white male walked into the opening credits of the film and started firing upon the audience after releasing tear gas "gas bombs". He took in a gas mask and a bullet-proof vest, ready for the long-haul for what the police would do. For those curious, the youngest victim was a 6 year-old child.

Watch the view above, which was posted to youtube very quickly, of the people coming out of the theater. It shows some of the people with blood on their shirts along with a few of the wounded. It was shot from a camera on a phone from what I'm told.

[Update] I've also heard that the adjoining theaters, theater 8 and theater 16, heard the gun shots and a few of the shots went through the theater walls. When they got up to get out of the theater because of the emergency, everyone stopped at the door to the cineplex lobby because they were told that the shooter had moved into the lobby. From the sounds of it, inside the Century 16 cineplex it was chaos for a little while.

The people were forced to leave their cars and their possessions in the parking lot while the police searched each car with a robot for bombs. They found what they think is the shooters car, but they wanted to check the others to be sure. Everyone was escorted away from the theater in police vehicles. Similarly, the theater is going to be searched for explosives before it is re-opened. As far as everyone knows, there were no other shooters involved in this.

[Update 2] The police are searching the shooters living quarters, where they have found what looks like the making of bombs and other things he used to prepare for the shooting. The police believe he used a total of at least three different guns, one assault rifle close to the AK in type and two handguns.

They've also downed the number of dead to 12 with estimates that someone in the theater was no dead, but badly injured or severely effected by the effects of the gas bombs. Also, the youngest that has been admitted to the hospital is a 3 month-old! The 3 month-old was discharged to the parents shortly after being admitted. At the theater, the fire alarm can still be heard from when a Century 16 staff member pulled it to warn people to get out of the cineplex!

[Update 3] The name of the white male shooter was James Holmes. The news is finally getting to the white house and other government officials. I've looked to make sure that their statements are on here.

The following statement is from president of the United States, President Barack Obama:
Michelle and I are shocked and saddened by the horrific and tragic shooting in Colorado. Federal and local law enforcement are still responding, and my Administration will do everything that we can to support the people of Aurora in this extraordinarily difficult time. We are committed to bringing whoever was responsible to justice, ensuring the safety of our people, and caring for those who have been wounded. As we do when confronted by moments of darkness and challenge, we must now come together as one American family. All of us must have the people of Aurora in our thoughts and prayers as they confront the loss of family, friends, and neighbors, and we must stand together with them in the challenging hours and days to come.
Mitt Romney, presidential candidate in the 2012 election, has released the following statement:
Ann and I are deeply saddened by the news of the senseless violence that took the lives of 15 people in Colorado and injured dozens more,” said Romney. “We are praying for the families and loved ones of the victims during this time of deep shock and immense grief. We expect that the person responsible for this terrible crime will be quickly brought to justice.
[Update 4] James Holmes used and unloaded four different guns full of ammunition. He bought a ticket to the showing, went into the theater and stood by the emergency exit door. When the show started, he walked out of the emergency exit door, propping it open on the way, and over to his car. He then drove his car back to the theater and walked back in through the propped door with his weapons.  He walked into the theater with a ballistic helmet, bullet-proof vest, bullet-proof leggings, a gas mask, and gloves.They say that this is the largest mass shooting in United States history.

Before this, he had a clean arrest record and was a college student heading for his PhD. After detonating the gas bombs he began firing. He was apprehended within minutes at his car behind the theater holding three of the four weapons, an AR-15 assault rifle, Remington 12 gauge shot gun, and a .40 Glock handgun. He then said he had booby-trapped his apartment. In his apartment there was a large amount of explosives and trip-wires, they do not yet know how to proceed.

In the News
I'm going to go and find some of the news coverings as they come in, so please stay here. I'll post links.

To the Families
To the families of the victims of this event, to the individuals that were hurt, and to all the people that have suffered, I'm so sorry and I am sending my best wishes! As such, I've written this whole part just for you, a written memorial to what has happened. I hope that the entire movie will become a memorial for the suffering and pain that has happened.

Even now, I'm thinking that could have been my theater and that could have been where I was. It's terrifying, even just the idea. And it's horrific to think that all these people that were going to the movie, in good hopes and wishes for good times, are suddenly attacked. I mean, I can say from my experience that I was happy to be seeing the new movie and just to imagine something like this happening. I really do not know if I can express what I'm feeling, but I do hope the best for everyone!

If you find out or have any more information about the shooting, please post a comment below! Or, if you want to leave a comment to the poor souls that had this happen to them, please do that as well! Send this out, tell your friends, just make sure everyone knows and know that something terrible has happened on several people's moments that were supposed to be fun.

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