I have had a lot of time to do whatever I wanted recently, which might very well be a symptom of not having a career to kick off just yet. And instead of job hunting, which I do everyday anyway and it seems to just bore me now, I have been playing DrawSomething on my iPhone with my other friends that have it. I love that game as far as
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time wasting goes, but I seem to have yet again taken it to the next extreme with my current drawings. Below, I am going to include a multitude of the different drawings that I have been working on for the past few days. And just as a side note, they have become more complicated with each passing day. Also, for the first time since I started playing the game I have actually ran out of ink. To run out of ink means to spend so much time on a single drawing that the game will not be able to send the video playback to a friend. I thought it was quite amusing, but the drawings still came out fantastic even with the lack of finishing them. Anyway, take a look, I'll try to include my personal thoughts along the way!
ASTEROID [Sept 4, 2012] This one actually was just out of the blue, for I got the word and started coloring in a black night sky to pursue my drawing on. Then, at about two seconds into drawing the clouds and adding a ground for perspective (and the ground was just brown at that point), I suddenly had this idea to make it a farm and add in the night sky colorings. So that is how it went from being fairly plain and boring to something actually a little bit interesting to look at. I thought I would point this one out from the rest as well since it is the first one that got me onto making more complex DrawSomething drawings again, which I have not done in months. So while not as complex as some of my other drawings I wanted to show it as the starting point for my thought process.

MARTINI [Sept 8, 2012] So for this drawing I actually have gotten several times before. Now, in the past I had just quickly drawn a martini glass and moved on, but I wanted to make this one really special in comparison to all those times before. And with a James Bond theme running in my head, more specifically I continually kept hearing the words, "shaken, not stirred," I decided to continue. So I started out with the basic bond symbol of double-oh seven and then worked my way down from there. After making the martini glass with complimentary olives, I did not feel like it was finished, which lead to the writing of the famous phrase and then adding some coloring around the glass. I topped the whole thing off with a signature of bond in the corner, though that little detail really is not needed when considering the whole.
PAINTCAN [Sept 8, 2012] I really like this drawing, because not only did I completely ignore the word in my efforts to make a beautiful picture, but I was also working on my task of drawing all of the original one-hundred and fifty Pokémon in the series. So this time I drew Slowpoke, which while not one of my favorite characters I figured out a way to work him into the picture. I still have a lot of Pokémon to go on my list, but that is just another one down for me.
For reference, I started drawing the original one-hundred and fifty back when the word Pikachu came up and that got me interested in doing the other ones. That's when I added squirtel just to make a picture with a cap in it. So slowly I have been adding to my collection.
CENTAUR [Sept 9, 2012] This is not one of my best drawings of a man, and I will openly admit that right away. I mean, he has claws for hands and the horse body lacks the amount of detail I was trying to put into the man himself. Still, I could have just as easily drawn a centaur stick-figure and called this complete, but instead I went through the trouble of actually making something that looked halfway decent. So while I am personally not to proud of this one I thought I should still show it off. I made this drawing by starting with the very basic background, then worked my way forward. So next came the tail, then the horse's body, and finally the man. To get everything in just the right place, I outlined the man at the beginning so that his body would line up perfectly with his horse-half.
LIME [Sept 10, 2012] As I said before, I am working on getting all of the original one-hundred and fifty Pokémon drawn for my own personal collection. This one is the sad story of when I actually ran out of ink and the game told me it was sending whatever I had drawn. So if you are curious, that is why the beak does not look as nice as it should have and the pidgey is missing a left leg. I felt really bad actually for the bird, because I was just about to quickly add in the left leg when it kicked me. Anyway, the actual word was lime, which I tried to show off by having the pidgey holding it. That came out okay, but the picture threw off my friend Jodi. She told me that at first she tried guessing eagle, bird, parrot, and any other assortment of words that would be some sort of bird. Sad too, cause I made the fruit stand-out.
ORIGAMI [Sept 10, 2012] When I first got this word, I was not sure what exactly to draw because I was not sure exactly sure how to show the art of Japanese paper folding. So I first wrote that at the top, just as an in-case situation that I totally screw-up and what not. But then I looked up the paper swans that they make in origami and started drawing that. I started by outlining the basic swan shape, coloring everything white. It looked terrible, but if you can just imagine a completely white blotch int he outline of what is the swan now then you can see why. Anyway, from there I slowly worked at coloring in each of the different shades of grey, which thankfully I have so many shades of grey unlocked in my color pallet. So after some time and some extensive work, I ended up with a drawing of a paper swan that looked pretty good!
FARMER [Sept 10, 2012] This was another word I could have drawn in ten seconds flat with very little coloring and made it very obvious, but instead I decided to take the much harder, much more complicated route of reproducing a famous piece of artwork in an iPhone drawing. So I started out with the background, which was actually the easy part of this piece. I drew the sky, the trees, and then the house and barn on the right. I payed close attention to detail on the house, because that was how it was on the original piece. Then I started working on the farmer and his wife, which was actually really hard because they are about thirty shades of tan. I used all the browns I had, but they came out kind of funky. Last, without forgetting it, I added in the pitch fork. Unfortunately I ran out of ink, which is why their faces look a little bit goofy.
TIGER [Sept 11, 2012] This is my second attempt at correctly and accurately try to draw a tiger. The first time I attempted it, the squiggles and the line just came out all wrong and I had just a mess of ugly, but I really put forth a lot of effort into this drawing and really worked hard to get everything to come out right. And what I ended up with was something I am actually pretty proud of, considering I drew it on an iPhone. Anyway, the basics behind drawing something like this is to start with the orange coloring and work my way to the surface blacks. It took forever and I actually was running out of ink near the end. If I could go back, I would have worked more on the right side of his face. Still, I think it came out really well and I hope my friend appreciates the effort I put into her tiger artwork.
Anyway, those are the drawings I have made over the past few days. Each of them took somewhere between twenty minutes and forty minutes to complete, where usually getting caught-up in the little details is what slowed me down. But for that same reason is why I think they all came out either really well or a little bit funky. I will probably continue to try and make amazing pieces too since I still have the time, so stay tuned to see if there are more DrawSomething Updates!
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